Tuesday, December 1, 2009

いっらしゃいませ! はじまりましょうか?

For the past couple years, I have been meaning to revisit the blogs that I started in mid-2002. One of the blogs was public ("A Day in the Life of...") and the other was private (REDACTED). More recently, I have wanted to get back into writing on a more regular basis, but lacked subject material. Therefore, I have decided to revive old blog posts that are no longer online and expand upon them from my new vantage point. It is particularly propitious that the blogs were originally posted on blogspot, which has apparently been subsumed into the Google conglomerate as Blogger, this very site. I was not planning on going with Blogspot (cum Blogger) again, but I am a Google whore.

P.S.: For the inquisitive non-Japanese reader, the title means, "Welcome (to my place)! Shall we begin?" It is spelled phonetically since my grasp of kanji is tenuous at best.

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